Meg has a long distance boyfriend

Isn't he beautiful? His name is Link. He is owned by Euro Dream Boxers.

The search for the perfect boy for Meg has been ongoing for over a year!

Meg has high standards.

We required a Boxer stud that retained the working drive that Boxers were bred for.

We needed a Boxer stud that passed on these traits to his puppies.

Of course conformation and health was very important! We needed a well built Boxer stud that fit the standard!

With an awesome temperament

And of course we love those European lines, so our boy had to be 100% European bloodline. Because who doesn't love a Euro Boxer puppy?

After careful consideration of all factors, we have chosen Link as our first stud for Megan. He has EU working title, is DM clear, ARVC clear, cardiac tested good and free of spondylosis. We are VERY excited for these puppies, which will be here sometime next year (yes, we move slow!). Stay tuned!